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Antonio Vivaldi baroque Venice, Operas video

baroque music vivaldi antonio
Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi, borns in Venice in 1678, many peoples doesn't knows He was a priest.
Vivaldi has been also one of the  most important Italian musician ever and composer of Italian classic music and Italian Baroque Music and one of most extraordinary violinist of his time.
We can also say that he was the most important and influent Italian author of his time; He helped to develop of 'concerto', together 'Torelli', another important Italian authors that we'll review. He wrote also: concerts, lyric music, 'sonate' and sacre music.
His music influenced many classic musicians; one of most knows is Bach . The life hasn't too evidences, but we knows something thanks to some his famouses contemporary the teathre author Carlo Goldoni and German architet Johann Friedrich Armand von Uffenbach; as many others big music talents - Mozart for example - he dies forgot and alone about all the world. 

He has 24 years old, when becames 'master of violin' ( maestro di violino) at an orphanage institute where he gives lessons.  His father plays violin with Church's band and with a sort of trade union for musicians and composers, where plays'first' baroque music', Antonio takes his first lessons in that place. 
 In that times many children were abandoned or orphaned or his familiars cannot support them also if Repubblic of Venice was very rich; in fact were was four of that kind of institutes, most talents of these boys and girls cluld go to choir or goes to do musicians. 
In the Venice of the early 18th century, opera was the most popular musical entertainment, and he starts to write its. 
Finally success becames and his operas are in Rome, Mantova, Milan, Venice
Is that time he writes "The four seasons" (Le quattro stagioni), his most knows concerts for violin: The nature's scene in music. 
They were a revolution in musical conception: in them Vivaldi represented flowing creeks, singing birds (of different species, each specifically characterised), barking dogs, buzzing mosquitoes, crying shepherds, storms, drunken dancers, silent nights, hunting parties (both from the hunter's and the prey's point of view), frozen landscapes, children ice-skating, and burning fires. Each concerto was associated with a sonnet of Vivaldi's hand, describing the scenes depicted in the music. 
Most of Vivaldi's repertoire was rediscovered only in the first half of the 20th century in Turin and Genoa and was published in the second half. Vivaldi's music is innovative, breaking a consolidated tradition in schemes; he gave brightness to the formal and the rhythmic structure of the concerto, repeatedly looking for harmonic contrasts and invented innovative melodies and themes. 

Moreover, Vivaldi was able to compose non-academic music, particularly meant to be appreciated by the wide public and not only by an intellectual minority. 
The joyful appearance of his music reveals in this regard a transmissible joy of composing
These are among the causes of the vast popularity of his music
This popularity soon made him famous in other countries such as France which was, at the time, very independent concerning its musical taste. 
He dies on 1741.

Vivaldi Opus Work Date

  1. Twelve sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (Opus 1) 1705
  2. Twelve sonatas for violin and basso continuo (Opus 2) 1709
  3. L'estro Armonico (Harmonic Inspiration), twelve concertos for various combinations. Best known concerti are no. 6 in A minor for violin, no. 8 in A minor for two violins and no. 10 in B minor for four violins 1711
  4. La stravaganza (The Extraordinary), twelve violin concertos c. 1714
  5. Four sonatas for violin and two sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (Opus 5) 1716
  6. Six violin concertos 1716–1721
  7. Twelve Concertos, two oboe concertos and 10 violin concertos 1716–1717
  8. Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Contest between Harmony and Invention), twelve violin concertos including Le quattro stagioni (The Four Seasons) (the first four concertos) 1723
  9. La cetra (The Lyre), twelve violin concertos and one for two violins 1727
  10. Six flute concertos (two versions, one for recorder, printed in Venice) c. 1728
  11. Five violin concertos, one oboe concerto, the second in E minor, RV 277, being known as Il favorito 1729
  12. Five violin concertos and one without solo

Vivaldi Sacred music:

Work RV Notes
  1. Missa Sacrum 586 disputed
  2. Kyrie 587
  3. Gloria 588
  4. Gloria 589
  5. Gloria 590 lost
  6. Credo 591
  7. Credo 592 disputed
  8. Domine ad adiuvandum me 593
  9. Dixit Dominus 594
  10. Dixit Dominus 595 "di Praga"
  11. Confitebor tibi, Domine 596
  12. Beatus vir 597
  13. Beatus vir 598
  14. Beatus vir 599 lost
  15. Laudate pueri Dominum 600
  16. Laudate pueri Dominum 601
  17. Laudate pueri Dominum 602
  18. Laudate pueri Dominum 603
  19. In exitu Israel 604
  20. Credidi propter quod 605 now RV Anh. 35b
  21. Laudate Dominum 606
  22. Laetatus sum 607
  23. Nisi Dominus 608
  24. Lauda Jerusalem 609
  25. Magnificat 610/610a/610b/611
  26. Deus tuorum militum 612
  27. Gaude Mater Ecclesia 613
  28. Laudate Dominum 614 disputed
  29. Regina coeli 615 incomplete
  30. Salve Regina 616
  31. Salve Regina 617
  32. Salve Regina 618
  33. Salve Regina 619 lost
  34. Sanctorum meritis 620
  35. Stabat Mater 621
  36. Te Deum 622 lost
  37. Canta in prato, ride in monte 623 not to be confused with RV 636, which is "Canta in prato, ride in fonte"
  38. Carae rosae respirate 624 incomplete without reconstruction of lost second violin and viola parts
  39. Clarae, stellae 625
  40. In furore iustissimae irae 626
  41. In turbate mare 627
  42. Invicti bellate 628 incomplete, yet reconstructed and recorded by Academia Montis Regalis
  43. Longe mala, umbrae, terrores 629 not to be confused with RV 640, which is a similar motet on the same text but intended for different purposes
  44. Nulla in mundo pax sincera 630
  45. O qui coeli terraeque serenitas 631
  46. Sum in medio tempestatum 632
  47. Vestro principi divino 633
  48. Vos aurae per montes 634
  49. Introduzione al Dixit (RV 595) "Ascende laeta" 635
  50. Introduzione al Dixit (RV 594?) "Canta in prato, ride in fonte" 636 not to be confused with RV 623, which is "Canta in prato, ride in monte"
  51. Introduzione ad un Gloria "Cur sagittas" 637 the preceding work that was to follow this introductory motet, most likely a lost setting of the Gloria in B-flat (RV 590), is now presumably lost
  52. Introduzione al Miserere "Filiae maestae Jerusalem" 638
  53. Introduzione al Gloria (RV 588) "Jubilate o amoeni chori" 639 Introductory motet has third movement interwoven with Gloria (RV 588)
  54. Introduzione al Gloria (RV 589) "Longe mala, umbrae, terrores" 640 not to be confused with RV 629, which is a similar motet on the same text but intended for different purposes
  55. Introduzione al Miserere "Non in pratis" 641
  56. Introduzione al Gloria (RV 589) "Ostro picta" 642
  57. Oratorio Moyses Deus Pharaonis 643 lost
  58. Oratorio Juditha triumphans 644
  59. Oratorio L'adorazione delli tre re magi al bambino Gesu 645 lost
  60. Ad corda reclina 646 new text on the aria from Act II, Scene 8 of Arsilda, regina di Ponto RV 700
  61. Eja voces plausum date 647 new text on the aria from Act II, Scene 2 of Orlando furioso RV 728
  62. Ihr Himmel nun 648 new text on the aria from Act II, Scene 2 of Arsilda, regina di Ponto RV 700
  63. Bajazet 703
  64. Aria per la communione 748 lost
  65. Oratorio La vittoria navale predetta dal S Pontefice Pio V Ghisilieri 782 lost
  66. Confitebor tibi, domine 789 manuscript found in damaged condition
  67. Beatus vir 795
  68. Magnificat 797 lost – possibly related to the extant settings of RV 610/610a/610b/611
  69. Nisi Dominus 803
  70. Salve Regina 804 lost
  71. Dixit Dominus 807
  72. Vos invito, barbare faces 811
Antonio Vivaldi on Wikipedia

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