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Visualizzazione dei post da 2011

Italian Defence under attack of the crisis

Finmeccanica Finmeccanica is the Italian company that deals with defense , and in these days of big Italian crisis , has been the subject of much news of economics and finance, as it was said that could fail. It 'a state company strategically very important, because, in practice, has interests in all major industries that deal with defense technology , energy and other strategic industries in Italy and can not fail, just for the Italian security .

Italian economic crisis. an easy solution

Celentano In this period of great economic and financial crisis Celentano public a good song: ' Il mutuo '  ( The mortgage ) , in which the great Italian singer analyzes the Italian economic situation and gives us a simple solution for that Christmas 2011 : the decrease . The song is written as a letter from a man to his wife and starts saying that he does not want to take more loans , because they pollute our economy, adding that we must turn to a more simple, artisan, without lowering wages also says the most important thing: to return to the beauty, the only real advantage that Italian natural resource: tourism and culture ... Simple solutions to complex problems, it seems, in fact too simple solutions ... however, the song is very beautiful, as follows:


Italian spinone The Italian Spinone dog breeds derived from the Roman times but only in the fifteenth century we have evidence of its existence, from a fresco by Mantegna, right here, this dog was a sign of royalty. His temperament is gentle, peaceful and loving and expresses intelligence, confirmed by his exceptional ability to learn. His greatest wish is to meet the master in his will. For his patience and his sociability is also suitable to be with family and children. It 'a race for its unique morphological and behavioral skills.


Dolomites A sinking heart, that's what I felt when I saw for the first time in the Dolomites . When I arrived in Trentino, I was about 12 years and, of course, I had heard about it: I grew up in the city yes, but I had already lived through the countryside, the hills and the beautiful Italian sea and beaches but I've never seen anything like it except in television, but seeing there and walk on ... I assure you it is another thing.

Ducati Diavel the secrets of Italian style

Ducati Diavel Diavel : in Bolognese dialect means Devil . It 'just the latest in a stunning motorcycle with the Ducati brand , a brand that means Italian style . Ducati for years is one of the most popular motorcycle manufacturing companies in the world . Thanks to a special feature, the desmodromic , these bikes are unique in the world, in addition to having the opportunity to have an engine that is more space inside the chassis, have a very particular sound that emphasizes the brutal power.


Spumante italiano In a time of economic crisis such as this - the worst economic downturn since the end of the European Union from WWII, said the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel - is the production and export of Italian wine that is giving a great hand to our economy. Italy is at risk of default , but the Italian wine and Italian sparkling wine being giving, just in these days the best of themselves to help Us.

Italy is in default?

Italian default What would happen if Italy should fail? In Italy these days the risk of default has hit points than ever before - at least since the euro 's -. The Italians have concerns because the majority of citizens have invested their savings in bonds , and if it should happen as in Argentina and one morning he goes to the ATM and this gives us more of our money ?

Italian Genius: a solution for everything

Fog in North Italy Italy has been considered, always the home of the inventors . He must have thought that a gentleman in 1978, a famous TV show " Portobello ", a television program that rewarded the best invention, showed up with a solution to a problem that there are more traditional in Italy: the Po Valley fog - in Northern Italy -. The Po Valley (image satellite on right: fog on Po Valley) , which includes the entire bed of the Po River, from Turin to Milan until you arrive in Venice in winter, since it is surrounded by the Alps, the great mountains in Europe, has, in practice every day the fog. Why not pave a Mont in Liguria thought this man?

Italian weapons Beretta

Beretta Pietro Beretta is an Italian arms factory, the most famous, the oldest and most prestigious Priu trademark of Italian weapons . The arms factory Beretta has now completed 500 years and is famous worldwide for its automatic pistols, to shotguns, rifles for rifle shooting, but also for automatic rifles and hunting , which defensive war, for the submachine gun , the Beretta was the second machine gun built in Italy. Beretta weapons are already very famous in Italy in the twentieth century. All hunters Italians know what it means to have a gun Beretta : aim and shoot is fast and easy as drinking a glass of water and all they can do it, I have had the good fortune to own a shotgun overlapped Beretta and I assure you that it is one of the guns that are used in the most natural way in the world: take it in hand... and you've already done the center.

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