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Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio, 2012


The salaries of the Italians , are among the lowest in Europe , about 23,400 euros gross per year. Still now, we are not a poor Country, but even We have one of largest gold reserve in the world , the economic crisis is still great. The Italian economy , has a very low growth, Italy has a very large welfare state , which increases our national debt , the salaries of pubblic managers are very high , too high. The waste of public resources , is one of the topics that always makes our Country a Country of B series. One must consider that in Italy, a net salary is about half of gross salary. This means that living with 1,000 euros per month, in a Country where it costs 500 euros a rent a small apartment, it is not easy, and discontent increases , day after day. To find a work is a big problem in Italy, if you have no friends, unless you have relatives who can help you find a job, you have a huge problem, especially now that there's a crisis . The Italian job market is like


The Italian Gold Reserve is over 2,451 tons of gold, making Italy the 3rd Country in the World with the largest gold reserves , after the United States, Germany and the International Monetary Fund. The value is - approximately - 20 Billions Euro represented (to 2005). In the video below - unfortunately only in Italian - You can see so many ingots of gold , much gold , which seems to be the Store of Scrooge McDuck . I will not write more, just advertise this thing, maybe some investor will remember that the Italian economy is in crisis , but something, we also We are not only a Country that has good designers and craftsmen working in gold , we have gold , and we have so much .....

Ducati 1199 Panigale: the new Ducati masterpiece

Ducati 1199 Panigale Not long ago, we talked about the Ducati Diavel , today we offer you a video on the development of the Ducati 1199 Panigale . Panigale is the village, near Bologna, where is located the Ducati Factory . The Ducati 1199 Panigale is a sport bike , very powerful, with a very nice desig n, and is an improvement of the previous 1198 and, a few days ago, was presented to the press circuit in Abu Dhabi. According to the evidence of journalists, the bike ride was comfortable, while still setting a " racing ", agile, fast, stable and responsive. In the video below, you will find the main characteristics : speed , power , construction materials , devices , very interesting:


Few hours ago, the Minister of Public Administration, Filippo Griffi Patroni, gave to the Chamber a list of the first managers of the Italian Public Administration , earning more than 294,000 euros per year . Based on this preliminary survey, the highest salary is that of police chief Antonio Manganelli, of 621,253.75 euros . Behind Manganelli, in order, the chief of department of the prison Franco Ionta (with euro 543,954.42 ) and the general commander of the Carabinieri , Leonardo Gallitelli (with euro 462,642.56 ). Then here is the commanding general of the State Forestry Corps : Cesare Patrone ( 362,442.13 euros ) and the commander of the Guardia di Finanza , Nino Di Paolo ( 302,939.25 ). In the case of Paul, however, it is the salary paid in 2011 to 19 August, being then retired.


Rai Incredible : Rai wants Italian pay a tax - 120 euros a year - for people who have PCs and tablets - according to a law of 1932, as they are able to see the Rai Tvs ... Unbelievable ; the protest on Italian web and Twitter is great, in practice the Italian citizens, according to the release RAI , Italian television , which the Italian State is the owner , from next year, even if they have the television , will have to pay 120 euros, in order to use their own hardware, if connected with internet. Unbelievable , this is the only word that we would like to say. The tax of Rai , " canone Rai " who every Italian citizen pays, to see Tv,  just from 1954, when Rai borns is an old tax, an injustificable tax, on 2012, but Rai, instead to try to remove it, is trying to 'expand' ... Ps: of course, if that new tax, will be able, also who has smartphone will must pay that tax. Source: Corriere della Sera .


30 Alenia Aermacchi M-346 , Transonic a trainer aircraft , have been purchased from Israel. The news, this morning and already shares of Finmeccanica , are flying on markets. Finmeccanica is the biggest Italian company for the defense . It deals both with weapons, including space, providing weapons to the armed forces and security forces, and has major investments in strategic industries  of Italy: from energy to defense. This order, which will amount to 1 billion dollars , will help that Transonic trainer aircraft, to be known around the world. The Alenia Aermacchi M-346 is, in fact, considered one of the best trainers for new fighter pilots, for its value for money. More Info on M-346

Masterpieces of World Architecture: Hadrian's Pantheon in Rome

Hadrian's Pantheon The Hadrian's Pantheon is a building of classic architecture of Imperial Rome , the most significant. The inventive engineers who have had to build this masterpiece of world architecture , was, for centuries, a reference point for art and technical solutions, as Circus Maximus . Here, is a video documentary, a one-hour lesson in architecture, in English, on Hadrian's Pantheon . Enjoy:

Italy under snow, news

Snow in Italy Since yesterday evening, almost all of Italy is under the snow , from North to South schools closed, impassable roads, offices and shops closed, although some airports . On Facebook, last night, dozens of friends have uploaded photos of snow in sight. And 'the northern and central Italy that the snow is giving the most problems, it is expected that the snow will fall to the south, especially in the next we, all at home!

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Septum piercing anello al naso: significato di una moda particolare

Si chiama septum piercing , il piercing al naso , quello che in lingua italiana si chiama anello al naso , tipico delle antiche popolazioni africane e australiane, è diventata una moda, vediamo insieme cosa significa di questo nuovo trend: l' anello al naso o septum piercing in voga specialmente tra le ragazze, ma non disdegnato dai ragazzi. Piercing alla moda da mettere  I piercing alla moda possono variare nel tempo e tra le diverse culture. Tuttavia, al momento, alcuni dei piercing più popolari e alla moda includono: Piercing al lobo dell'orecchio : Il classico piercing al lobo dell'orecchio rimane sempre di moda e può essere abbellito con una vasta gamma di orecchini. Piercing al trago : Il piercing al trago, situato nella parte anteriore della cartilagine dell'orecchio, è molto popolare negli ultimi anni e offre un aspetto unico e accattivante. Piercing all'elica : L'elica è la parte esterna della cartilagine dell'orecchio e può ospitare diversi tipi

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Dagli  Accordi  di Oslo  (settembre 1993) fino al settembre 2000, quasi 300 israeliani furono uccisi negli attacchi. Durante l'  Intifada  di Al-Aqsa  (settembre 2000 - dicembre 2005), furono uccisi altri 1.100 israeliani. Dal settembre 2000, gli attacchi terroristici palestinesi hanno causato la morte di almeno 1.426 israeliani.  Altre centinaia sono rimaste ferite. Da quando sono stati firmati gli accordi di Oslo, almeno 1.340 civili israeliani sono stati assassinati (rivisto per escludere soldati e polizia).  Queste cifre non includono ancora il totale ancora indeterminato (stimato in più di 1.000) degli israeliani uccisi nel  massacro  perpetrato da  Hamas  il 7 ottobre 2023 . Questo elenco include 21 israeliani uccisi all'estero in attacchi terroristici diretti specificamente contro obiettivi israeliani e tre membri del personale diplomatico americano uccisi a Gaza.  Non include i soldati dell'IDF o altri non civili. 2024 22 febbraio Non ancora nominato Ucciso e altri

Greatest Italian Women of all Time: Maria Montessori

Born on 1870, Maria Montessori  was an educator, philosopher, physician, scientist, educator and Italian volunteer, known for the educational method that bears hes name, which is used in thousands of schools, kindergartens, elementary, middle and high schools all over the world, and was the first woman to graduate in medicine in Italy. Maria Montessori can be considered the most influential Italian woman of the modern era .


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