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Visualizzazione dei post da marzo, 2012


Gaddafi The Italian Fiscal Police ( Guardia di Finanza ) confiscated 1,1 B Euros assets by Gaddafi Family in Italy. The decision came after a request by the International Court of Aja . The Gaddafi family has always invested in property and assets in Italy, were also among the largest shareholders of Fiat ...

eBay sales block, after the death of the Italian woman - News

eBay has blocked sales of Sorbitol worldwide, and cooperates with the Italian authorities - Carabinieri and Judiciary - who are now investigating the death of the Italian woman, a few days ago. This was announced the same site in a statement. " eBay is deeply saddened by what happened in Barletta (Italy) Saturday, March 24. We feel close to the family of the victim ," the statement said.

Ferrari Museum is opened - Images

Ferrari museum It is these days, the news that in Modena , the city of Ferrari , Enzo Ferrari Museum has opened. Enzo Ferrari is the mechanic who invented the Ferrari brand , the pride of the Italian automotive technology.

SARDINIANS: Pirates of the Mediterranean Sea

Sardinia As we said to speak about the beaches of Sardinia , the Sardinian people did not like the Italian origins. The Sardinian population is much older than the Italian people , has a history that is lost in prehistory, Sardinia has been inhabited since 6,000 BC , and this people, with time has become one of the most feared peoples of the Mediterranean Sea , were called Shardana or Sherden . The first news of Sherden - Shardana you have the hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt , as the Sherdana were pirates , and made raids on the coasts around the Mediterranean Sea.

Piaggio Scooter State of the Art: MP3 HYBRID 300 - Images

Piaggio Hybrid scooter Italy is the land of scooters , as well as good wine, good food, classical art and Ferrari . Piaggio has always been a leader in the scooter world, since, after the IInd WW, began selling the Vespa . For several years the Piaggio is looking for a new means of transport, to revolutionize urban  and non-urban mobility, as it did 50 years ago, and it seems to have found. World's largest morocycling event Ducati Diavel Ducati 1199 Panigale Piaggio Hybrid scooter Piaggio MP3 Hybrid is called, offered in versions 125 and 300 cc., a scooter that goes to unleaded fuel and electricity. Great security, great driving stability (it has three wheels), great energy savings - 60 km/l ( 141 miles/U.S. Gallon ), low CO2 emissions and noise, can carry two people, and is the state the art of Italian scooter . In Italy, this year, spring has arrived a pair of weeks earlier than the calendar says, and now the Italian roads, passing many of these scooters ar...

Best beaches in Italy: Villasimius - video

Villasimius, Sardinia Sardinia is one of the most beautiful places for vacation in Italy , during the summer, with one of  Best Italian Beaches . Today, we look together Villasimius, South-eastern tip of Sardinia . Villasimius is one of the rental, Italy's most beautiful and wild. In addition to a great sea , Villasimius , as a strategic point of Sardinia , was inhabited 4,000 years ago , here you will find the various human settlements, fortresses and strongholds that over the centuries, have occurred. People who live in the Sardinia are not an Italian people, but they are a native people, their genes are not the same genes in other European populations, were called by Ancient Egyptians, ' Sherden' , the People of the Sea , and were paid by the pharaohs as combat troops for their great courage. The people of sherden now called the Sardinian people , and despite the Sardinia was conquered several times by Romans, Arabs, French, Spanish, Italian, the Sardinia...


Only data of Italian exports are good. Italy is in technical recession , as GDP has been declining for the second consecutive quarter. And 'This, in short, the news of the day, from Italy. The data of 2011 and were published this morning, here are some: The GDP grew by 0.5%: it detects the ISTAT  Italian National Statistical Institute , spreading the data corrected for calendar effects, and revising upward the preliminary estimate, which lent its GDP to +0.4%. Compared to 2010, growth is braking rapidly (+1.8%).

BEST ITALIAN BEACHES: Cape St. Vito - Images

Cape St. Vito In one of the Best Italian Beaches , San Vito Lo Capo - Sicily, today will be 17 ° C. (62 ° F) and in the next week-end, you can swim. Or Cape San Vito , is the North-Western tip of Sicily, a few kilometers from Palermo, is one of the most tourist and hospitality places of all Sicily . The sea is wonderful, like being in the Caribbean, in fact the beach is white, but unlike the Caribbean, if a tourist wants to make a little journey through Sicily, will discover a fascinating world full of history, remember that the Sicily was part of Magna Graecia , and from 2,500 years ago, until the Roman Empire extended its boundaries was not a peaceful Greek province. If you go to San Vito lo Capo , you have to eat fresh fish every morning the fishermen bring the Mediterranean, I recommend it.


Chris McManus and Franco Lamolinara , were killed by ' friendly fire ', is according to a witness, a woman present at the Blitz of Nigerian and British special forces , who a few days ago, they tried to free the hostages, kidnapped by a terrorist group Nigerian. She told The Times , a woman named Hauwa, his wife of 31 year old keeper of the compound where the hostages were. Her husband was killed in the crossfire.

Lamborghini Aventador J: Hyper Super Car

Lamborghini Aventador 6,498 cc., 700 HP, 350 kph (218 mph), all carbon fiber - it weighs only 1,500 kg. Cost : U.S. $ 402,000 or 306,000 euros. These are the numbers of the Lamborghini Aventador , the new supercar of Lamborghini brand, the brand has always been a rival of Ferrari , the two brands have factories a few kilometers of each other. Lamborghini Veneno Roadster

Berlusconi's women: the ultimate list

Women of Berlusconi Tomorrow, is the International Women Day . We, on this day, we want to do a little game, that I have not seen in the international press, a very fun game , that the Italian press over the last 6 months, has done many times, discover all the women of Berlusconi . Mr. Berlusconi , is no longer the President of the Italian Government and some to Us Italians missing, I'm not talking about his politics, but the show that Mr Berlusconi had accustomed as  Berlusconi lacks the comedians , who made a parody of Mr Berlusconi, lacking in critical every day, with people complaining of Berlusconi's choices, but lacks especially to Italian Gossip . If you watch the video below , You'll understand why, Mr Berlusconi, in addition to having built one of the largest Italian media empires , had succeeded, with years of work to go to bed, the beautiful women who happened to know, the 'see list, below, is only a small part of the legendary list of women with...

FIAT 500L: a new large Fiat 500 - Images

Fiat 500 L Fiat 500L is the new model of the legendary Fiat 500 , the car that made the history of Italian Popular Culture . The Fiat 500L will be presented tomorrow at the Geneva Motor Sho w, the most important event in European motoring. The Fiat 500L is bigger, the letter 'L' means Large , the normal 500 model - I do not like it - has the 5-door body, is 414 cm long, and the trunk has 400 liters capacity.

Ferrari F12 Berlinetta characteristics - video

Ferrari f 12 Berlinetta 740 HP, 340 Kmh, (211 mph) EUR 270,000 (U.S. $ 357,000), wonderful. These are the main features of the new Ferrari F12 Berlinetta , which in these days, the factory in Maranello ( Modena, Italy ) is presented in all the magazines, and Internet networks. The F12 Berlinetta , is one of the biggest success of the Ferrari brand in recent years, is a very nice machine, I was not able to drive it, but to go inside, yes, and I can testify, the emotions it conveys, only to sit in the driving seat are exceptional.

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