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Visualizzazione dei post da aprile, 2012


Merkel and Monti According to reliable sources ( Repubblica ), there would be a new ' Pact of steel ' between Germany and Italy , which are very reminiscent of those of 1939 ... The Presidents of the Italian Government Monti and the President of Germany Government  Merkel should announce it in a few days. It is a political and economic agreement: Synchronization policy : try to steer Germany to the eurobond and the Golden Rule, or the ability to predict a favorable treatment for investments (up to scorporarli at all) in the count of the deficit. It will, in practice, the synchronization process of ratification of the European Stability Mechanism ( ESM ) in the parliaments of Rome and Berlin, the same day. This project seems to be at an advanced stage of discussion, but will also mean that Italy will not go back , in respect the decisions on economic policy , since it is linked with the Pact of Steel with Germany .. We'll see interesting things in the fut...

TO ROME WITH LOVE - Trailer - Rumors

To Rome with love To Rome with Love , is the last movie of Woody Hallen , and will be released in Italy in just 600 theaters, 20 April 2012, but the Italian critics  has been very negative, than this movie, much awaited. The chaste is truly exceptional: Woody Hallen , Alec Baldwin , Roberto Benigni , Penélope Cruz , Judy Davis , Jesse Eisenberg , Greta Gerwig and Ellen Page, are the stars who will make this movie a sort of predictable success, but, as I said, the Italian cinema critics ,  was very bad, that's what says the most popular Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera : " The great director, lacking inspiration.  There is too much and too little. Four episodes, and nothing really overwhelming, some good measure, but not the spark of genius ." I have not seen this movie but the trailer does not seem too bad:

Requiem for employment in Italy - Video

Employement in Italy The data for the job in Italy are not good, now the economic crisis , financial and political, is felt in all our Country, 30% of Italians under 30 years, are unemployed . But the work, and the economic crisis is global , and it is not only an Italian problem, maybe we should change everything, maybe we should re-think all, I don't know ...

ITALIAN SAFFRON The most expensive spice in the world - Documentary

Italian saffron The cost of the Italian saffron is about 3,500 euros per kilo, and is one of the most expensive spice in the world . The Italian saffron is still today considered the best in quality and purity , packaging stigmas is the best guarantee against adulteration, which unfortunately is frequently found in powders, especially from outside the European Union. Of course, when cooking, they use very low doses, and everyone can afford to buy it, in fact, it only takes a small amount (eg.: 0.1 gr. For a risotto for 4 people, 3 euros).

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