Young Italians Italy, Confindustria (the Official Italian Association of Industry )has published the details of their Centro Studi Confindustria - CSC data of Italian Economy : Lost a half million jobs, a shocking image from Italy's GDP to -2.4%, "Strike, the most vital parts of the Country." Recovery starting from the second half of 2013 We are not at war. But the economic damage caused by the crisis so far are equivalent to those of a conflict . Words used by the Centro Studi Confindustria , in his new business environment. To be affected, the survey says, "were the parts most vital and precious system of Italy: the manufacturing industry and the younger generations. Those from which depend the future of the Country. For the CSC, "the increase and the level of public debt, are similar in almost all advanced economies, those that occurred at the end of armed conflicts worldwide. A sort of war there has been and is still ongoing, and is fought on...
Come Possiamo Investire in Borsa e Diventare Ricchi Inseguendo il Sogno Italiano, l'Italian Dream.