History teaches to Us that wars are made for the money, although sometimes there are reasons that can hide this motivation. One of these is the religion too often are called ' war of religion ' wars that are actually made for economic reasons. As the first Crusade: the First Crusade was made to free the Holy Sepo.lcro from the infidels, this tells us the history books, but if we do well to read, we discover that in fact, at the time, the Middle East was very rich, and the 'Europe very poor, full of wars, famines and plagues. The Pope at the time, thought it well to gather a group of mercenaries, misfits, and people in need, to go to win the gold and possessions of the rich Arab traders , under the pretext of liberating the Holy Sepulcher . Almost 1000 years later, nothing has changed, as it tells this interesting documentary about the political strategy of the neocon , 9-11 , the war in Afghanistan , Bin Laden ...