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Francis of Assisi' secret prisons - images

C'è un luogo nascosto a pochi chilometri da Assisi, un luogo che va assolutamente visitato se si è amanti della natura, di Francesco, e del mistero della fede: l'Eremo delle Carceri.
Francesco ed i suoi frati andavano a meditare e pregare in questo luogo, dove anocra si può vedere la pietra dove S francesco dormiva.
Insomma: se andate ad Assisi non perdete questa occasione, ne vale veramente la pena.

st francis of assisi
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi, is much more than just a religious, he is a hero of His times, a hero who fought against everything and everyone,  against the rich family, against the power of the Vatican (around on 1200), against the customs of the time, went on his way, went to what he believed.

The hermitage is a place of difficult access, where hermits - or a single hermit -, retires, and is excluded from society, to lead a life of prayer and asceticism, and was the secret prison of St. Francis of Assisi.

The Hermitage of St. Francis of Assisi, is one of most important religious reteat of Francis, and of the most characteristic and charming in Umbria.
The site is located about 4 km from Assisi, in the mountains, 750 meters, Above the Sea Level, a place in the woods, where there were caves, already used in early Christian period, in which a monastery built by Benedictine, was given by them to St. Francis, because he could retire in his hermitage, is actually called 'prison chapel'.

I think the fascination that this little place is really unique a must see place for all tuorist visits Umbria.
When You enter in this place, after having crossed a small road up the mountain, it remains as ecstatic, in front of so much beauty and peace, memory lane, immersed in an ancient landscape, You can feel how much religion, and how hard St. Francis and his monks, has put to revolutionize Their World.

A world full of corruption, a world in which Popes and Bishops had absolute power, a world of wars and pestilence.

 Above, the beautiful images of the hermitage of the prisons of St. Francis of Assisi, the Photographer Mr. Mortini, with Sacred Music by Angelo Branduardi, who sings a song, with text written by the same St. Francis.


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