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Italian Gelato: true history of ice cream

Italian Gelato
Not everyone knows that we Italians, in addition to pizza, spaghetti, radio, plastics, banks, the piano, the microchip, together with the Arabs in Sicily, around the ninth century, We have invented the ice cream, il Gelato.

The first ice cream of the story, was made by an Italian chef at a wedding: the ice cream was prepared for the first time by a certain Ruggeri of Florence, butcher and a passion for cooking, thanks to a preparation that included cream, eggnog and fruit soon became famous, so much so that he made his fortune in Paris. He prepared the ice cream at the wedding of Catherine de 'Medici and Henri d'Orleans.
  • Italian Ice Cream Grom
Now the Gelato is one of most traditional Italian recipes and one of best food for summer worldwide.
 Non tutti sanno, che Noi italiani, oltre alla pizza, spaghetti, la radio, la plastica, le banche, il pianoforte, il microchip, insieme agli arabi, in Sicilia, intorno al IX° secolo, abbiamo inventato il gelato.
Il primo gelato della storia, fu fatto da un cuoco italiano, durante un matrimonio: il gelato fu preparato per la prima volta da un certo Ruggeri di Firenze, macellaio e appassionato di cucina, che grazie a un preparato che comprendeva panna, zabaione e frutta divenne ben presto famoso, tanto che fece fortuna a Parigi. Egli preparò il gelato in occasione delle nozze di Caterina de' Medici ed Enrico d'Orleans.
Above: Sammontana is an ice cream company active since 1948, and holds 20% of all the ice cream in Italy.
This year Sammontana did a good advertising campaign, which cover more than 70 years of history of the 'Sammontana Gelati all'Italiana- Sammontana the Italian gelato'


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