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Pope Francis reform IOR, the Vatican Bank with a commission

Papa Francesco riformerà lo IOR con una commissione pontificia.
La motivazione è spiegata in una nota: "una migliore armonizzazione dello Ior con la missione della Chiesa".
La commissione pontificia per rifpormare lo IOR sarà composta da 4 prelati ed un professore di Harvard.
VATICAN STATE: Pope Francis has established a Pontifical Commission to review the activities of the IOR, the Vatican Bank.

And 'what is said in a statement, according to which objective of the Committee is "better harmonization of the IOR with the mission of the Church."

The committee - made ​​up of five people, four prelates and a Harvard professor - will oversee the activities of the Vatican bank and will report directly to the Pope

These are the names of the Commissioners: Cardinal Raffaele Farina (chairman), Cardinal Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran (also a member of the Supervisory Board of Cardinals of the IOR, only to be present in both organisms), Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru (coordinator) Monsignor Peter Bryan Wells (secretary), Mary Ann Glendon.

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