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World Heritage Sites in Italy You should visit

Italy includes 53 sites included by UNESCO in the World Heritage List, the World Heritage List.

The World Heritage Site is the official name of these areas according to the World Heritage Convention adopted by the UNESCO General Conference on November 16, 1972.

The purpose of this convention is to identify, according to precise criteria, areas, sites and places that represent particular peculiarities from a cultural, artistic, archaeological, environmental or landscape point of view.

With 53 sites included in the list of World Heritage Sites, Italy places itself at the top of all countries by number of awards.
These are well-known places like the Dolomites, the City of Verona, Ferrara and the Po Delta in the North; the Historic Center of San Gimignano and those of Florence and Rome, Villa Adriana and Villa D'Este in Tivoli, in Central Italy; the archaeological area of ​​Pompeii, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata, I Sassi and the park of the cave churches of Matera, the Amalfi Coast, the Aeolian Islands, and so on.
All places that at least once in life have been the object of the desire to travel to know and experience the history, art and culture of the Bel Paese.
With a renewed commitment by the institutions to protect these assets, the invitation to all is to know them better, starting from here our journey through enchanted places full of life, passions, desires.


Italia incluye 53 sitios incluidos por la UNESCO en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial, la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial.

El Patrimonio de la Humanidad es el nombre oficial de estas áreas según la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial adoptada por la Conferencia General de la UNESCO el 16 de noviembre de 1972.

El objetivo de esta convención es identificar, de acuerdo con criterios precisos, áreas, sitios y lugares que representen peculiaridades particulares desde un punto de vista cultural, artístico, arqueológico, ambiental o paisajístico.

Con 53 sitios incluidos en la lista de sitios del Patrimonio Mundial, Italia se coloca en la cima de todos los países por número de premios.
Estos son lugares conocidos como los Dolomitas, la ciudad de Verona, Ferrara y el delta del Po en el norte; el Centro Histórico de San Gimignano y los de Florencia y Roma, Villa Adriana y Villa D'Este en Tivoli, en el centro de Italia; la zona arqueológica de Pompeya, Herculano y Torre Annunziata, los Sassi y el parque de las iglesias rupestres de Matera, la costa de Amalfi, las islas Eolias, etc.
Todos los lugares que al menos una vez en la vida han sido el objeto del deseo de viajar para conocer y experimentar la historia, el arte y la cultura de Bel Paese.
Con un compromiso renovado de las instituciones para proteger estos activos, la invitación a todos es a conocerlos mejor, comenzando desde aquí nuestro viaje a través de lugares encantados llenos de vida, pasiones, deseos.


Italien umfasst 53 Stätten, die von der UNESCO in die Welterbeliste der Welterbeliste aufgenommen wurden.

Die Welterbestätte ist der offizielle Name dieser Gebiete gemäß der von der UNESCO-Generalkonferenz am 16. November 1972 angenommenen Welterbekonvention.

Der Zweck dieser Konvention besteht darin, nach genauen Kriterien Gebiete, Orte und Orte zu identifizieren, die bestimmte Besonderheiten aus kultureller, künstlerischer, archäologischer, ökologischer oder landschaftlicher Sicht repräsentieren.

Mit 53 in die Liste der Welterbestätten aufgenommenen Stätten nimmt Italien nach Anzahl der Auszeichnungen die Spitzenposition in allen Ländern ein.
Dies sind bekannte Orte wie die Dolomiten, die Stadt Verona, Ferrara und das Po-Delta im Norden; das historische Zentrum von San Gimignano und die von Florenz und Rom, Villa Adriana und Villa D'Este in Tivoli, in Mittelitalien; das archäologische Gebiet von Pompeji, Herculaneum und Torre Annunziata, ich Sassi und der Park der Höhlenkirchen von Matera, die Amalfiküste, die Äolischen Inseln und so weiter.
Alle Orte, die mindestens einmal im Leben das Ziel des Reisens waren, um die Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur des Bel Paese kennenzulernen und zu erleben.
Mit dem erneuten Engagement der Institutionen, diese Werte zu schützen, ist die Einladung an alle, sie besser kennenzulernen. Von hier aus beginnt unsere Reise durch verzauberte Orte voller Leben, Leidenschaften und Sehnsüchten.


L'Italie comprend 53 sites inscrits par l'UNESCO sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial, la Liste du patrimoine mondial.

Le site du patrimoine mondial est le nom officiel de ces zones conformément à la Convention du patrimoine mondial adoptée par la Conférence générale de l'UNESCO le 16 novembre 1972.

Le but de cette convention est d'identifier, selon des critères précis, des zones, des sites et des lieux qui représentent des particularités particulières d'un point de vue culturel, artistique, archéologique, environnemental ou paysager.

Avec 53 sites inscrits sur la liste des sites du patrimoine mondial, l'Italie se place au sommet de tous les pays en nombre de prix.
Ce sont des endroits bien connus comme les Dolomites, la ville de Vérone, Ferrare et le delta du Pô au nord; le centre historique de San Gimignano et ceux de Florence et de Rome, Villa Adriana et Villa D'Este à Tivoli, en Italie centrale; la zone archéologique de Pompéi, Herculanum et Torre Annunziata, Les Sassi et le parc des églises rupestres de Matera, la côte d'Amalfi, les îles Eoliennes, et ainsi de suite.
Tous les lieux qui au moins une fois dans la vie ont été l'objet du désir de voyager pour connaître et connaître l'histoire, l'art et la culture du Bel Paese.
Avec un engagement renouvelé des institutions à protéger ces atouts, l'invitation à tous est de mieux les connaître, à partir d'ici notre voyage à travers des lieux enchantés pleins de vie, de passions, de désirs.







وتضم إيطاليا 53 موقعا أدرجتها اليونسكو في قائمة التراث العالمي، وهي قائمة التراث العالمي.

موقع التراث العالمي هو الاسم الرسمي لهذه المناطق وفقا لاتفاقية التراث العالمي التي اعتمدها المؤتمر العام لليونسكو في 16 نوفمبر 1972.

والغرض من هذه الاتفاقية هو تحديد، وفقا لمعايير دقيقة، المناطق والمواقع والأماكن التي تمثل خصوصيات خاصة من الناحية الثقافية والفنية والأثرية والبيئية أو المناظر الطبيعية.

مع 53 موقعا مدرجا في قائمة مواقع التراث العالمي، تضع إيطاليا نفسها في قمة جميع البلدان من خلال عدد الجوائز.
هذه هي أماكن معروفة مثل دولوميتس، مدينة فيرونا، فيرارا و بو دلتا في الشمال. المركز التاريخي لسان جيمينيانو وتلك فلورنسا وروما، فيلا أدريانا وفيلا ديستي في تيفولي، في وسط إيطاليا؛ المنطقة الأثرية في بومبيي، هيركولانيوم وتوري أنونزياتا، أنا ساسي وحديقة الكنائس كهف ماتيرا، وساحل أمالفي، والجزر الايولية، وهلم جرا.
جميع الأماكن التي مرة واحدة على الأقل في الحياة كانت موضوع الرغبة في السفر لمعرفة وتجربة التاريخ والفن والثقافة من بيل بيس.
مع التزام متجدد من قبل المؤسسات لحماية هذه الأصول، والدعوة إلى الجميع هو أن نعرف لهم على نحو أفضل، بدءا من

World Heritage Sites in Italy You should visit
Cinque Terre
In over 2,000 years of history, thanks to historical periods very favorable to the Roman Empire, the Medieval common, the Renaissance, the Baroque, neo-classical style of the Kingdom of Italy and the Futurism style of fascism, Italy was filled with masterpieces, some of the real ikons of art and architecture, while others, although less well known, a must visit.
Italian economy like that of the
Among these sites built by men, there are also spaces are considered World Heritage Site for its natural beauty, one for all: the Dolomites.

world heritage sites in italy
Canopus, Hadrian's Villa

World Heritage Sites in Italy UNESCO , full list:

  1. Rock Drawings in Valcamonica (1979)
  2. Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
  3. Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura 
  4. Historic Centre of Florence (1982)
    word heritage sites italy
    Colosseum, Rome
  5. Piazza del Duomo, Pisa (1987)
  6. Venice and its lagoon (1987)
  7. The Baroque sites at Noto (Noto cathedral).
  8. The rocky cliffs of the Cinque Terre in Liguria.
  9. Historic Centre of San Gimignano (1990)
  10. The Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera (1993)
  11. City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto (1994)
  12. Crespi d'Adda (1995)
  13. Ferrara, City of the Renaissance, and its Po Delta (1995)
  14. Historical Centre of Naples (1995)
  15. Historical Centre of Siena (1995)
  16. Castel del Monte (1996)
  17. Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna (1996)
  18. Historic Centre of the City of Pienza (1996)
  19. The Trulli of Alberobello(1996)
  20. 18th century Royal Palace of Caserta with the Park, the Aqueduct of Vanvitelli and the San Leucio Complex (1997)
  21. Archaeological Area of Agrigento (1997)
  22. Archaeological Areas of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata (1997)
  23. Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua (1997)
  24. Cathedral, Torre Civica and Piazza Grande, Modena (1997)
  25. Costiera Amalfitana (1997)
  26. Porto Venere, Cinque Terre, and the Islands (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto) (1997)
  27. Residences of the Royal House of Savoy (1997)
  28. Su Nuraxi di Barumini (1997)
  29. Villa Romana del Casale (1997)
  30. Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia (1998)
  31. Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with the Archæological sites of Pæstum and Velia, and the Certosa di Padula (1998)
  32. Hystoric Centre of Urbino (1998)
    world heritage sites in italy must see
    Verona by night
  33. Villa Adriana (Tivoli) (1999)
  34. Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi and other Franciscan Sites in Umbria — 2000
  35. City of Verona — 2000
  36. Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands), Sicily — 2000
  37. Villa d'Este, Tivoli — The classic Renaissance villa, with magnificent water gardens; 2001
  38. Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto; eight towns in South-Eastern Sicily: Caltagirone, Militello in Val di Catania, Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide, Ragusa and Scicli — 2002
  39. Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy — The several churches and religious centres in Lombardy; 2003
  40. Etruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia — 2004
  41. Val d'Orcia — 2004
  42. Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica, Sicily — 2005
  43. Genoa, Le Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli — 2006
  44. Rhaetian Railway, shared with Switzerland — 2008
  45. Mantua and Sabbioneta — 2008
  46. The Dolomites — The majestic mountains in Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol — 2009
  47. Monte San Giorgio — Extension of the Italian border of Monte San Giorgio in Switzerland — 2010
  48. Longobards in Italy, Places of Power (568-774 A.D.) — It's a group of seven Langobards sites: Brescia, Cividale del Friuli, Castelseprio, Spoleto, Campello sul Clitunno, Benevento and Monte Sant'Angelo; 2011
  49. Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps, shared with Austria, Germany, France, Slovenia, Switzerland — 2011
  50. Mount Etna — The tallest active volcano in Europe - 2013
  51. Medici Villas and Gardens in Tuscany - 2013

7 Unesco sites to visit in Italy

Italy is a wonderful country, rich in works of art, historical centers, churches and natural landscapes. Many of these are famous, others less known but from north to south, here are some to visit before they become too popular
7 Unesco sites to visit in Italy
Our beautiful country, with 52 places of universal value, holds the record for cultural, natural and mixed goods.
The UNESCO sites to visit in Italy include, in fact, churches, villages, historical centers, works of art and historical artifacts that we should see at least once in their lifetime.
Some are very famous like the Venice Lagoon, the Historic Center of Rome, the archaeological areas of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi.
Others, on the other hand, are less well known and must be put on the agenda if you have not yet visited them.
We recommend 7 of them!

Castel del Monte

Built around the middle of the 1200s in the Apulian town of Andria, the Castel del Monte is the typical medieval building that combines the Romanesque, Gothic and Islamic styles. Easily recognizable due to its octagonal structure it is linked to various legends concerning the symbolism of the number 8.
Since 1996 he has joined the list of UNESCO sites to visit in Italy.

Val Camonica

Between the central Alps of Eastern Lombardy there is a 100 km long valley that starts from Passo del Tonale and ends at the Corna Trenta-passi on Lake Iseo.
Here once lived the Camuni and today it is possible to admire the ancient rock art in the National Parks present in different municipalities of the Valley.
Among the UNESCO sites to visit in Italy at least once in life there is certainly the beautiful and particular Matera, in Basilicata. Its ancient city is characterized by alleys, churches and houses carved into the rock perfectly adapted to the geomorphological context.
We suggest you see this beautiful settlement, testifying to how man has lived for thousands of years in a fascinating environment.
Vicenza and the Palladian villas
Perhaps not everyone knows that Vicenza became very important under the government of Venice that reorganized the city and the surrounding countryside.
In 1540 Andrea di Pietro della Gondola, known as Palladio, was commissioned to design the residences of the nobles and today it is possible to visit as many as 23 palaces in Vicenza and 24 villas scattered in the surrounding territories.


The Dolomites, the mountain range that stretches between the provinces of Belluno, Bolzano, Udine and Pordenone, have been included among the UNESCO sites to be visited in Italy.
Their geomorphological importance, the breathtaking landscapes throughout the year, the geological features and the peaks that turn pink at sunset make this place one of the most beautiful in the world!


In Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the province of Udine, there is the immense archaeological area and the patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia. Founded by the Romans in 181 BC It is a perfectly preserved area where you can admire the remains of the forum and the beautiful mosaics.
Santa Maria delle Grazie and the Cenacle
In the center of Milan there is a jewel that Italians should be proud of: the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. In addition to the beauty of the religious structure and the Dominican Convent, the real treasure is enclosed within the refectory. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, known as the Last Supper, is a wonder to be observed and contemplated without ever getting tired.

Santa Maria delle Grazie and the Cenacle

In the center of Milan there is a jewel that Italians should be proud of: the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. In addition to the beauty of the religious structure and the Dominican Convent, the real treasure is enclosed within the refectory. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, known as the Last Supper, is a wonder to be observed and contemplated without ever getting tired.

Vicenza and the Palladian villas

Perhaps not everyone knows that Vicenza became very important under the government of Venice that reorganized the city and the surrounding countryside.
In 1540 Andrea di Pietro della Gondola, known as Palladio, was commissioned to design the residences of the nobles and today it is possible to visit as many as 23 palaces in Vicenza and 24 villas scattered in the surrounding territories.


Among the UNESCO sites to visit in Italy at least once in life there is certainly the beautiful and particular Matera, in Basilicata. Its ancient city is characterized by alleys, churches and houses carved into the rock perfectly adapted to the geomorphological context.
We suggest you see this beautiful settlement, testifying to how man has lived for thousands of years in a fascinating environment.


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