Where is the biggest Christmas tree in the World ? In Gubbio, of course. If you have never gone in Gubbio (Umbria - Italy) during the Christmas holidays , we advise you to do so and to do so, during the hours when it is night and there are no clouds or fog. Merry Christmas from Italy You can admire one of the most famous shows of Gubbio which is a small medieval town in the North of Umbria, famous for its centuries-old festival now of " The Ceri of Gubbio " (symbol of Umbria), but also famous for a recent record , established in the early 80s by a group of visionary citizens who wanted to build the largest Christmas tree in the world . They succeeded and now this has become a tourist attraction. Gubbio is built on the slopes of Mount Ingino , and it is in the entire length of the mountain just before Christmas, the lights are placed forming a huge Christmas tree , but look at the numbers, and some photos:
Come Possiamo Investire in Borsa e Diventare Ricchi Inseguendo il Sogno Italiano, l'Italian Dream.