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Maserati 100 Years of History

Maserati 100 years of history
Maserati Ghibli of 60s
Maserati is one of the Italian car brands of luxury.
Known throughout the world, by the time the Maserati brand has had its ups and downs, but it was with the oil crisis of 1973 that this brand seemed to be definitively lost.

Resources only in the early 2000s, thanks to Fiat and Ferrari in particular, which succeeded thanks to its rich clients to revolutionize this brand, sharing the concept that Maserati is a car for many but not for all.
It is often said that the Italian automotive brands are among the most prestigious in the world . Nothing is more true if we consider for example a Maserati , a builder who became famous for his victorious race cars, but also for the elegance and refinement of his style.

MASERATI A6GCS/53 Berlinetta (1954)
MASERATI A6GCS/53 Berlinetta (1954)

Maserati is a brand today in the process of recovery , 

  • thanks to the development of new models that have given new impetus to sales ( new Quattroporte , Ghibli ) , which is preparing to celebrate the 100th year of business, an important milestone for the automaker , matched only by a few other manufacturers ( Aston Martin, Fiat, Alfa Romeo , Rolls -Royce to name a few ) .
The Maserati 8CM (1933)
The Maserati 8CM (1933)

A great time to celebrate

  • Maserati entered the 100th year of its history in December , 2014, during a particularly favorable for the Trident . More than 23,000 orders to date around the world are projecting Maserati into a new dimension . This year Maserati is among the fastest growing brands in the United States and a reality in almost 70 markets throughout the world - from China, which Maserati is the second most important commercial reality in the world.
Maserati Bora (1970)
Maserati Bora (1970)

The Maserati was founded in Bologna 

  • on December 1, 1914 and officially began operations on December 14 of the same year. The heart of the company was then represented by Alfieri Maserati and two of his brothers, Ettore and Ernesto. He was interested in all of the mechanical and loved the speed.
Maserati Ghibli Spyder (1970)
Maserati Ghibli Spyder (1970)
  • Despite the commitment to technical and commercial level, however, they found all the way and the time to get behind the wheel of a racing car in the golden years of racing. A fourth brother, Bindo, joined the company after the death of Alfieri in 1932. It attaches instead to Mario Maserati, still another brother, the creation of the famous Maserati logo, inspired by the Neptune fountain in the historic center of Bologna.
Maserati MC12 (2005)
Maserati MC12 (2005)

Maserati built his first car in 1926. 

  • It was a race car called the Type 26. He made his debut with a win in the Targa Florio that same year. That was the first of an endless string of hits that include two editions of the Indianapolis 500, 9 wins in Formula One and the World Championship of F1 in 1957. In 1947 Maserati amazed the world with its first road car, the A6 GranTurismo. In 1963, with the first generation of the Quattroporte, Maserati created a market segment that did not exist previously, one of the luxury sports sedan.

maserati gran cabrio sport 2012
Maserati Gran Cabrio Sport 2012

Maserati Compie 100 anni.

  • Maserati é uno dei marchi di macchine italiani di eccellenza. Conosciuta in tutto il mondo, con il tempo il marchio Maserati ha avuto i suoi alti e bassi, ma fu con la crisi petrolifera del 1973 che questo marca sembrava definitivamente persa.
  • Risorse solo nei primi anni del 2000 grazie alla Fiat ed in special modo alla Ferrari, che riuscì grazie ai suoi ricchi clienti a rivoluzionare la casa del Tridente, ripartendo dal concetto che Maserati é un'auto per molti, ma non per tutti.


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