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Tagliatelle with Truffles, Italian Christmas Recipe

Below, one of the simplest and best Italian recipes; tagliatelle with truffles.

The truffle is a gift that God Jupiter wanted to do to us men, and is a sign that leaves when hurls lightning near a plant oak; is thanks to Jupiter, if the truffle is an aphrodisiac, probably why the divine fruit of the earth this year has reached very high prices.

italian truffles
Italian white truffle
And 'so that the classical tradition that comes to us from the ancient Romans, explains how the truffles are so exquisite, rare and almost divine properties.

Italy, as well as the home of wine, is also the home of the truffle.
We are in full season of truffles and already the association of Italian farmers, lets us know that the prices of the truffle, are higher than last year.

Ingredients for fettuccine with truffle for 4 people:

  • Black truffles 80 gr
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Pepe q.s.
  • 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt q.s.
  • Anchovies in oil 2
  • Fresh egg pasta (pasta and formats) fettuccine 320 gr
    Tagliatelle with Truffles, Italian Christmas Recipe
  • Tagliatelle with Truffles Recipe

How to make Tagliatelle with Truffles:

  1. With a semi-hard brush or brush clean the truffle to clear the land and impurities from the surface and cut into thin slices with the appropriate size truffles 
  2. Reduce the anchovies into small pieces 
  3. In a pan, pour the olive oil and let brown the garlic cloves 
  4. When the oil is flavored remove the garlic and add the anchovies 
  5. with the help of a fork let them dissolve in the oil. A merger, turn off the heat and add the truffle shavings . Set aside a handful for the final seal.
  6. Meanwhile, boil a pot of salted water and put to cook the fettuccine. Drain, sauté in oil truffle , pepper and serve each dish sprinkle with some grated fresh truffles.
     Italian Christmas Recipe tagliatelle with truffles
Tagliatelle with truffles, are one of the most delicious Italian meal and rich of traditional Italian cuisine, and we advise you to eat while you drink good red wine Chianti DOC
The price of the truffle (in this winter 2014 in Italy) can vary from 300 EUR 0.22 pound for the Alba truffle (white and most valuable) to 10 euro for 0.22 pound for the black truffle (central Italy).
To make this recipe is fine to use the black truffle from the Italian center.
The truffle is a kind of fungus, is very rare and very hard to find, which comes only in the hills and in the few places in Italy.
Thanks to: Giallozafferano


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