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Visualizzazione dei post da marzo, 2015

10 Happiest Countries of the World

The ten happiest Countries in the world - or better - where residents say they are happier. Surprise, surprise: 8 of these countries are European countries! But then the euro does all this damage? It does not seem right, 4 of the eight European countries where there are the happiest people in the world, using the single European currency, yet they are happy, but because, as they do? European Banks vs. US Banks As we have always said, and repeated like a mantra, money is nothing more than a tool, what counts are the social policies in a nation, have the relationship that the city has with the institution, are the services provided by local authorities, by state agencies. Chemical warfare against Italian olive oil? In particular, this list was compiled by CNN, in accordance with: Life expectancy Gross domestic product (per capita) generosity social support Freedom of choice for their lives Low level of corruption. Danimarca (euro) Norvegia  Svizzera ...

Best car commercial ever: FIAT, as usual

Italy is a Country of beautiful cars, but is also the Country of funniest car commercial . FIAT USA, in recent years has distinguished itself by marketing campaigns very funny. FIAT is in fact able to exploit stereotypes of Italians , that is, as in America, they see Italians , and make fun of commercials, as in this case of " Italian Family ". The FIAT 500 Cross 2015 is the new project launched by FIAT; This is a machine which incorporates the design Crossover she old Fiat 500, by modernizing, making a machine of the present, which consumes little, great to go in all types of road, spacious, and with a very low cost, for this category of cars. FIAT tries to win a slice of the American car market, a slice of a cake, which is worth billions of dollars, and you can rest assured that we will succeed. L'Italia é il paese delle belle macchine, ma è anche il paese dei commercial più divertenti, per auto. FIAT Usa, in questi anni si è distinta per campagne commerci...

100,000 Italians emigrated in 2014

In Italy there is no work, and many unemployed people emigrate: 100 thousand Italians have emigrated in 2014. It 'the first time in 10 years that exceeds the number of 100,000 people emigrated from Italy. The number of emigrants, it is not what the early 50s or 60s, and it is not even the beginning of 1900, years in which tens of millions of Italians emigrated to North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Africa. Italy in World Bank of China Today the country where to look for a job have changed: Europe is where you try your luck: Germany, Great Britain and Switzerland, are the countries where Italians emigrate. 56% of Italian emigrants are men, 44% are women, for a total of 101.297 people who have left our Country on 2014. Emigration from Italy (source) 100 mila italiani emigrati nel 2014 In Italia il lavoro non c'é, e molti disoccupati emigrano: più di 100 mila italiani sono emigrati nel 2014. E' la prima volta in 10 anni che si supera il numero di...

Vespa Repsol CBR 1000 cc

Ecco un'incredibile Vespa Piaggio con motore Honda 1000 cc, colorata con i colori da corsa Honda CBR "Repsol". Oltre all'enorme motore da 100 cc, questa Vespa ( che sembra avere il telaio della vecchia Vespa 50) ha il doppio freno a disco davanti, un freno a disco dietro, il doppio ammortizzatore davanti. Un piccolo capolavoro di meccanica. Vespa Repsol CBR equipped with a 1000cc four-cylinder, double disc brake front and rear That's an incredible Vespa Piaggio with Honda engine 1000 cc, colored with the colors racing Honda CBR "Repsol". In addition to the huge 1000 cc, this Vespa (which seems to have the frame of the old Vespa 50) has double front disc brake, a disc brake behind, the double shock to the front fork. A small masterpiece of mechanics. Best Aprilia Scooter: here Piaggio Hybrid Scooter:  here

Tunisia: 3 Italian tourists hostage by terrorists

Ci sarebbero 3 turisti italiani ostaggio dei terroristi islamici a Tunisi. Stamattina ci sono stati degli spari al Parlamento tunisino ed in un importante museo della capitale, Tunisi. Nel museo erano presenti circa 200 turisti, di cui molti italiani. I morti accertati sarebbero 4 e i terroristi ( forse terroristi islamici) hanno preso molti ostaggi, di cui 3 italiani. Questo dicono fonti di intelligence tunisina. Aggiorneremo l'articolo, man mano che arriveranno altre notizie da questa terribile vicenda che è ancora in atto. aggiornamento : Il bilancio dell'attacco al museo del Bardo a Tunisi è di 19 morti, 17 turisti e due terroristi. Lo ha detto il premier tunisino Habib Essid, che ha aggiunto che ci sono anche italiani tra i morti e vittime tedesche, polacche e spagnole. "Due italiani sono tra le vittime dell'attacco al museo del Bardo a Tunisi": lo twitta Hoda Abdel-Hamid, senior correspondent in inglese di Al Jazeera ( ansa ) There would ...

Chemical warfare against the Italian olive oil

The disease that carries off the olive trees of Salento may have been induced? The prosecutor of Lecce is at work and plant diseases in the relationship ends on agromafie coordinated by magistrate Caselli, so "there are concomitants abnormal". The president of Eurispes, Fara: "It seems there is a case of a chemical warfare". Hypothesis predicted by scientists From Brazil or Costa Rica? By the uncontrolled import of ornamental plants or for experimentation wanted and ended badly? What looks like the plot of a spy story becomes an accredited course of study on the introduction of the bacterium in Puglia quarantine Xylella fastidiosa. Coincidences, so many. And now some evidence deemed credible: the Prosecution of Lecce for a year trying to curl up the mess to try to explain why they continue to dry the olive trees of Salento and to name those responsible for the crime of "willful dissemination of a plant disease ". The presence of the pathogen, cons...

Italy and Germany defy US entering China's World Bank

France, Germany and Italy will follow Britain and participate in the bank's International Development Association led by China, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a potential rival to the World Bank. This was reported by the Financial Times. According to sources in the British newspaper, the participation of European countries and 'a challenge to the United States and a significant blow to the Obama administration, which has sought to convince Europe and not only that they would have greater influence of staying outside and pushing for standards credit more 'high. Economic reforms in Italy The US Treasury has expressed concerns over the governance of the bank launched by China and on environmental and social standards related to its loans. L'Italia e la Germania entreranno nella nuova banca " Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ", una banca supportata da Cina ma anche Russia ed altri paese non proprio 'amici ' di Washington. Finalme...

Economic reforms in Italy

Ormai in Italia non si parla di altro: le riforme economiche, in parte ci sono state, in parte dovranno essere fatte. Il Job Act é stato fatto, ed é la riforma del lavoro, grazie alla quale, ora le imprese avranno più libertà di licenziare ed assumere nuovo personale,m in modo da rendere il mercato del lavoro più flessibile. La riforma delle pensioni, è invece ancora da fare. Solo 2 anni fa, fu fatta una riforma delle pensioni in Italia, e venne chiamata la legge-Fornero , che ha cercato di far risparmiare allo Stato Italiano qualche soldo. La voce pensioni nel bilancio dello Stato italiano, é infatti una delle spese più grandi per il Nostro paese. Anche la Unione Europea ha chiesto, insistentemente all'Italia di fare delle riforme economiche , per far ripartire il mercato del lavoro e quindi tutta l'economia che ormai é in crisi dal 2008, e sarà proprio anche grazie una indispensabile riforma delle pensioni , ( aumentando quelle minime e diminuendo quelle massime) che ...

Lamborghini Aventador LP750-4 Superveloce, the New Lambo

The Lamborghini , presented at the Geneva Motor Show  , the Aventador LP750-4 Superveloce , most powerful model in the range, available from spring with coupe body to the target price for the European market of 327.190 EUR , excluding taxes. All the secrets of this two-seater car, hidden in its name: the 6.5-liter naturally aspirated V12 engine reaches 750 hp and 690 Nm of torque, and is mated to the all-wheel drive, while the initials Superveloce (Super Speed), confirms that is a model designed in key hi-performance. Thanks to the use of new materials, the weight has been at the same time reduced by 50 kg to 1,525 kg, reaching a value of 2.03 kg per hp engine, a better figure of 10% compared to the Aventador LP700-4. The Superveloce, touches 100 km/h acceleration in 2.8 seconds, 200 km/h in 8.6 seconds and 300 km/h in 24 seconds flat, while top speed is over 350 km / h (!!).

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